Beading - is it just fun or a learning opportunity?
While engaging in this fun activity children are also learning or further developing a number of important skills including design, hand eye co-ordination, patterning and more.
Let's take a look at these skills in more detail!

Design - Selecting beads and colours and laying them out to form a design is part of every beading project, it develops design skills and confidence
Hand eye co-ordination -Threading beads onto jewellery wire or elastic and using tools to open and close jump rings or curl wire to form loops develops hand eye coordination
Patterning - Creating necklaces or bracelets often involves creating a pattern of beads and repeating is multiple times, this develops patterning skills
Colour matching and coordination - Beading involves effective use of colour, selecting beads of the same colour or colour group or colours that coordinate
Counting - Beading involves counting to create patterns or to re-create designs
Measurement - Many beading projects require measuring skills, for example to ensure correct necklace or bracelet length or to create a consistent sized loop
Estimation - When designing a project estimation skills are used to create a first attempt or to estimate the length required
Visual memory and repetition - When creating an intricately patterned project visual memory skills are used to repeat patterns. Visual memory skills are also used when designing a project based on something seen on someone, in a magazine or on the web
For more information about beading, please contact the expert contributor.