Art Centres for Kids - the Eyre Peninsula
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Foxy face painting is based in port Lincoln SA and is made up of local experienced family face painters. We cater for almost every event or function including birthday parties. We are enthusiastic and love putting smiles on children's faces :) Like our Facebook page Foxy Face Painting Follow on Instagram and make an inquire. Our face painters can paint anywhere on the EP and surrounding. Read more
Bunnings Weekends
Dates: from 30 Nov -1 to 30 Nov -1
Every Saturday 10am-12pm and Sunday 11am-12pm at Bunnings Port Lincoln. Bring the childeren down to get their faces painted for FREE! And do some shopping or browsing while you wait :)
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South Australia
Spencer Gulf & West Coast
Eyre Peninsula
- Arno Bay
- Baird Bay
- Barna
- Boonerdo
- Boston
- Bramfield
- Brooker
- Buckleboo
- Butler
- Calca
- Campoona
- Caralue
- Carawa
- Ceduna
- Chandada
- Charlton Gully
- Charra
- Chilpenunda
- Chinbingina
- Cleve
- Cocata
- Cockaleechie
- Coffin Bay
- Colley
- Colton
- Commissariat Point
- Coolillie
- Coomunga
- Cortlinye
- Coulta
- Cowell
- Cultana
- Cummins
- Cunyarie
- Darke Peak
- Denial Bay
- Duck Ponds
- Eba Anchorage
- Edillilie
- Elliston
- Farm Beach
- Fountain
- Glendambo
- Green Patch
- Hambidge
- Haslam
- Hawson
- Hincks
- Horse Peninsula
- Inkster
- Iron Knob
- Jamieson
- Kalanbi
- Kapinnie
- Kappawanta
- Karcultaby
- Karkoo
- Kellidie Bay
- Kelly
- Kiana
- Kielpa
- Kimba
- Kingoonya
- Koonibba
- Koppio
- Laura Bay
- Lincoln National Park
- Lipson
- Little Douglas
- Lock
- Louth Bay
- Lucky Bay
- Maltee
- Mangalo
- Maryvale
- Merghiny
- Midgee
- Miltalie
- Minbrie
- Mitchell
- Mitchellville
- Moody
- Mortana
- Moseley
- Mount Cooper
- Mount Damper
- Mount Drummond
- Mount Dutton Bay
- Mount Hope
- Mount Joy
- Mount Wedge
- Mudamuckla
- Mullaquana
- Murdinga
- Murlong
- Nadia
- North Shields
- Palkagee
- Panitya
- Peachna
- Pearlah
- Perlubie
- Petina
- Piednippie
- Pinkawillinie
- Point Boston
- Point Lowly
- Polda
- Poonindie
- Port Bonython
- Port Gibbon
- Port Kenny
- Port Lincoln
- Port Neill
- Puntabie
- Pureba
- Rudall
- Sceale Bay
- Sheringa
- Sleaford
- Smoky Bay
- Solomon
- Stirling North
- Streaky Bay
- Sullivan
- Talia
- Tarcoola
- Thevenard
- Tiatukia
- Tooligie
- Tootenilla
- Tulka
- Tulka North
- Tumby Bay
- Tyringa
- Uley
- Ulyerra
- Ungarra
- Uworra
- Venus Bay
- Verran
- Waddikee
- Wandana
- Wangary
- Wanilla
- Warrachie
- Warramboo
- Warrow
- Warunda
- Watraba
- Westall
- Wharminda
- White Well Corner
- Whites Flat
- Whites River
- Whyalla
- Whyalla Jenkins
- Whyalla Norrie
- Whyalla Playford
- Whyalla Stuart
- Wilcherry
- Winninowie
- Witera
- Woolundunga
- Yalanda
- Yalata
- Yallunda Flat
- Yanerbie
- Yeelanna
Eyre Peninsula
Spencer Gulf & West Coast
South Australia
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