Contact Art Classes & Lessons for Kids in Bongaree
Request QuoteBook Art Classes & Lessons for Kids in Bongaree
Request BookingBusiness Address: 2 Cobea Ct Bongaree QLD 4507
Additional Information
In business since 2012
Number of staff 1
Parental supervision Optional
Type of sessions Group
Gender Female, Male
Kids age groups 4-6 years old, 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, 13-15 years old
Wheelchair access Yes
Service location Your home
Costs Per session / class
Details of these costs $15 per class everything provided
Payment options Cash
Opening & Closing time 4.00 till 5.00 pm Mon Thurs Fri
Special Offers
The first lesson is free as an encouragement, so that your child will be able to take part in the exploration of their art without any cost at all. They will learn and have fun! The class size is a maximum of 5, and this is a great way to meet the other children and decide whether this is something they would like to do every week. They'll even get to take home a painting in their very first lesson. There's no pressure, just come along and have a go.
This business has no events.
M & D Barrett21-10-2019RatedReport Review5ArtOur two children enjoy the fun,relaxed lessons and have produced art they can be proud of. Very well priced.Answer from ART for KIDS on 22-10-2019:Thanks for the nice comments. I've always enjoyed teaching both children and yes they have some wonderful pieces of art.
Anita Jensen16-10-2019RatedReport Review5Budding ArtistsMy granddaughter loves attending classes and just after a few months with Greg she had already won 1st prize in her age bracket at a local Bribie Art competitionAnswer from ART for KIDS on 17-10-2019:Thanks for the support and the kind words. Your granddaughter is a very gifted young artist and a treat to teach.
Expert Articles
This business has no expert articles.
Business Categories
This business offers the following services or products:
- Art Classes & Lessons
- Art Teachers
- Drawing
- Extra Curricular
- Painting
About Us
At ActiveActivities our mission is to connect parents and carers with providers of activities for kids and make it quick and easy to find, compare and select the best providers based on your needs and location. We are building the most complete online marketplace for kids activities in Australia where providers for events for kids, general activities and school holiday activities can be found and contacted in a few clicks.
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