Kids Activites with a cold or flu
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It's that time of year again. Most kids and families have someone off school or work as they are sick. We all know that our kids try to convince us they are sick - just so they can sit at home in front of the TV. But, how do we really know should they go to school or participate in their weekly kids activities?
Here are some general guidelines. If in doubt stand down from the game, training or event and consulate with your doctor. We can never be careful enough with our precious kiddies.
High fever - Don't even think about it. Stay at home even in bed - drinks lots of water.
Fever is when your body is trying to fight off infection. You need to rest and drink lots of fluids and water. Did you know when you have a fever you can easily become dehydrated!
Runny or blocked nose - or a cold Give it a go. You might even feel better after you have had some exercise or got out in the fresh air. Playing an instrument might be a bit hard - depending on how bad your cold is.
Coughing or a Sore chest - Give it a miss. It's hard to exercise, dance or play an instrument if you have congestion on the chest. Again rest up and drink lots of fluids.
Feeling really tired, body feels sore or aches. Rest up. If your body is telling you it is too tired for you to partake in your favorite kids activity, then you are best to listen to your body and take it easy.
Sore Throat: Ask your parents and carers. Generally, if you feel OK otherwise they will say to give it a go.
After being sick when can I start back?
If you have been to the Doctor they will let you know when it is good to return to you activity. Its best to introduce yourself slowly. You may feel OK - but once you start playing and exercising you might realize that you need more time to get your strength back. If you don't feel so great - rest up for a couple more days then try again.
Remember, these are only guidelines so check with your doctor if you are unsure if you should continue with your activities and when its best to return to school and all your physical activities.
Still sick or recuperating. Check out the ActiveActivities Resources you will find heaps of information and great articles for you to read up about the different types of kids activities available for you when you regain your strength.
Have Fun Kids