GEELONG & DISTRICT'S TOP 25 Most Popular Kids Activities
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GEELONG & SURROUNDING DISTRICT, VIC: These are your Top 25 Most Popular kids activities for 2015!
But Geelong is a big place! So, as well as giving you the Top 25 Most Popular listings across the whole region, we’ve also compiled the Most Popular lists for smaller areas too so you can see what’s happening a little closer to home.
Sometimes there may be only one, sometimes there are lots! Whatever the case, the list is in alphabetical order, so scroll down till you hit your home region and click over to see what parents, carers and grandparents are choosing to do with their kids in their free time.
We’ve used the 2015 activity of our ActiveActivities clients to generate the final list of the Top 25 Most Popular kids activities for parents, carers and grandparents just like you.These interactions include viewing, saving, reviewing, rating, emailing and calling the kids activities listed on our website during the year.
If your suburb does not have a Top 25 listing, your broader region and city will so don’t give up your search too quickly!
We hope you enjoy checking out your local Top 25 Most Popular activities. We look forward to compiling this interesting data again throughout 2016 to release a fresh new list for next year and beyond.
For more information on why and how we calculate these lists, please read our Top 25 FAQs here.